Victory In Christ Against All Odds: Living a victorious life with sickle cell anemia Kindle Edition


Victory In Christ Against All Odds: Living a victorious life with sickle cell anemia Kindle Edition

Victory In Christ Against All Odds

Victory in Christ against all odds is a book written out of compassion and experience.Suzzy did her best to shed light and bring sickle cell anemia (ss), to the forefront so other people can become aware of this global issue, in order to take action so we all can work together to effectuate a change. In this book Suzzy shared, what sickle cell pain feels like and how it impacts the daily lives of its sufferers and the struggles. 

Suzzy is an equally (ss) carrier who wants to give (ss) patients another voice to be heard, to ensure they all get the necessary medical attention they deserve. Educating people about the chronic effects of this disease, giving them a chance to walk in their shoes, albeit for a minute, so they can have a little glimpse of what it is like for someone to live with sickle cell.Most importantly this book was written for every sickle cell patient to understand in spite of all the pains and struggles they face, we all are more victorious,we can excel in everything through Christ who gives us strength. 

This book is a must-read, for everyone. Enjoy!

                                             Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

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