A Testimonial from Someone with SDC


As someone living with SCD, my decades of experience and success in treating SCD symptoms at home using natural remedies led me to share the treatment to many other SCD patients. 

Below is a WhatsApp screenshot and it is copied and pasted version of a testimonial from one of the happy people who have been using our remedies for a few years now. The treatment works when you implement it fully. Please read it and be encouraged.

“My name is XXXXXXX from Cameroon I come from a family of five being the first child to my parents, I was diagnosed a sickler since I was five years old and since then my family has not been better because I have never been seven days well in a week. I almost grew up in the hospital where the doctors were trying to manage my situation but it wasn't possible due to finances we managed from one crises to another till I was eighteen then my parents thought they were somehow relieved because they were told that stops with age. It never happened that way even though the crises reduced to a level that I can have at least five times a year. 

My parents lived a life of debtors and begers, my siblings suffered to much and we faced difficulty in feeding. I lived a life of pain and rejection and even regretted why I was born. Then my parents decided to go closer to God and we were serving God like any other African family. 

When I was 26 nothing changed until one day I was going to die my mother started calling people for prayers, she called one of her step sister who happens to be abroad, she mentioned us to sister Suzanne who lives abroad too. This lady thought us how to pray and prayed and cared for us. She took us in as family, advised me on daily basis on how to live. She thought me how to use herbal supliments alongside prayers. I have been using this natural supliments since we met and from then am very very ok, am even going back to school. It's been two years since we met and am twenty-eight years”

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